Monday, September 3, 2007

I am the rare conservative that will admit listening to NPR. Its not that I am looking for something to oppose; I just like the dialog. I also enjoy their stories that last longer than 90 seconds. They will spend as long as it takes to get down where it is personal. I weary of the spin, I hear in much of the media, engineered for easy parsing of embedded messages the spinner hopes will become an oft repeated sound-bite.

The villainy they ascribe to fossil fuels I grow weary of as well. Here is what I like:
A big, heavy and comfortable ride possessed with a HUGE warp of torque down low in the RPM's. This is best accomplished by endowment of vast cubes and lots of liters. So what if it uses lots of gas. The only thing we have more than oil on this earth is water, air and earth (dirt.)
Perhaps an overstatement.
However, the published reality of hundreds and hundreds of years of oil we all are floating upon requires effort to find. Why is the "science" calling for the sky to fall more entertaining than research suggesting there is no emergency?

When NPR tells me my country has 5% of the worlds population and 30% of the cars - I am smug with fat pride. It is fun to watch the oh-so-cerebral effort to make me feel like a 400 pound no-shave with a foot-wide cheese burger spewing grease mixed pickle slime all over their car seat. SUV's, boat trailers and dead dinosaurs are not the enemy. Why has the lucky bastard in a plush, air conditioned rocket become such a large target? Easy to hit by the lame of shot? Easy to frame and point to envy? The jealousy is already there, like stumbling over dropped boxes of rifle shells; just give 'em a gun and a picture of their own car.

250 million vehicles. Didn't we just pass 300 million people in the U.S. a while ago? Awesome! I think Norway should have all the 900 horse power Suburbans they want. I don't know much about Norwegians but I respect a man who knows how to work. A low producer is someone who's ass their father never kicked. At $37.99, Norway has the most output per working hour in the world, so says the International Labor Organization for 2006. The United States is second at $35.63 and the American worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year too, more than anybody else except Norway. I say: bomb Norway.

How can anybody generating that much wealth care about global warming? Soulless pricks, probably put their plastic milk jugs in the same trash bag with the soup cans. They don't care about the rest of us and they certainly don't give a damn about the next generation. If they are so fat and happy, why don't we divert enormous sums of money from the hungry and oppressed and instead, build into their infrastructure the complex ability to reduce greenhouse gasses? And if they are not receptive to our societal benevolence, we should drop a couple dozen Daisy Cutters on these selfish, non-recycling, oil pumping cruise ship owners.

Why are we not pissed off about unnecessary pain? How many species of animals do we have to save before we get around to saving one innocent 11 year old from random amputation? We get our panties in a wad every time we see an H2 increasing somebodies "carbon footprint" while every country in the world watches and sighs at Darfur's displaced and dead.

It is a matter of choice and priority. Your neighbor's Excursion is a waste of you time.


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